Girl Talk Blog

Posts Tagged ‘Teen Girl Health

Hey Girls!

Prom time is rapidly approaching! Dresses, tuxedos, shoes, hair, make-up, potential dates, and flashy cars are all on your mind. Prom is one of the highlights of high school! The pictures of you and your date will sit in your parents’ living room and make their way into family albums that you will one day show to your own children. It is a special night that we all look forward to – it’s the dance of a lifetime!

On prom night, be mindful of your surroundings and make safe and wise decisions. Not everyone is as safe as they should be. Don’t be a victim of bad prom choices – and I don’t mean just choosing the wrong dress or hair style. Drinking on prom night is not a cool decision to make – not to mention it’s illegal! It can put your life in danger as well as others’. Being cool and in the spotlight is a wonderful feeling, but just make sure you’re shining for positive reasons.

Watch The Century Council’s prom e-card now to see some awesomely bad prom choices through the years (and this time I do mean the wrong dresses and hairstyles, among other things!). The Century Council created the e-card to send to parents, but we knew you’d enjoy it too. Make sure you don’t become a victim of horrible prom choices – Don’t drink on prom night (or on any night for that matter!).

Girl Talk wishes you and your friends a fun, exciting, stylin’, awesome, and – most of all – safe prom experience!

Hey everyone,

Visit to check out the behind the scenes photos of Reel Girls, Real Life winner Kylee Darcy and the filming of “What You Don’t Know” with the pros!

Girl Talk PSA Taping

Stay tuned to as Kylee’s winning concept will be distributed as The Century Council’s national commercial which will be released as a public service announcement for prom and graduation season in April 2008.

Girl Talk PSA Taping

Also be sure to check out the photos from the Girl Talk event in Cleveland, Ohio.

Attorney General Marc Dann with student after the event in in Cleveland, OH.

That’s all for now,


Hey Everybody,

I have received a lot of questions from girls just like you though . I am thrilled to be able to help you out by answering your questions about school, friends, parents, guys — whatever is on your mind!! Each month, I look through each and every one of your questions and i’ll answer a few of them here on my blog and more on the Girl Talk website. I hope you’ll continue to check back to read my blog.

Remember, I can’t answer every question submitted because I am only one person and I get so many questions each month. However, I will try to pick questions on topics that come up a lot so that when I answer, I’ll be answering more than one girl’s question.

Now, on to your questions!

Dear Katie,

How did you invent Girl Talk?


Dear Jessica,

Underage drinking remains too common among our nation’s teenage girls. A survey commissioned by The Century Council, a national not-for-profit organization funded by distillers, finds that mothers of teenage daughters underestimate and misjudge the seriousness of their daughters’ underage drinking. Additionally, nearly 50% of mothers say it is acceptable for their teenage daughters to drink alcohol under some circumstances. This acceptance shows a misunderstanding on the mother’s part. The Century Council believes Girl Talk can help improve communication between moms and daughters.

Together with U.S. National Women’s Soccer Team Players Association and the Society for Women’s Health Research, The Century Council developed Girl Talk: Choices and Consequences of Underage Drinking, designed to educate teenage girls about the dangers of underage drinking and the specific risks facing teen girls. is a fun place for all things GIRL and encourages girls to live healthy and active lifestyles by providing them with the resources to do so.


Dear Katie,

I was a tomboy but now I’m a girly girl and I don’t know anything about the latest fashion. All my friends say they’ve got it! Can you help me?

-Girly Girl

Dear Girly Girl,

It seems like your friends know all about the latest fashion trends. Why don’t you ask them for some advice? I’m sure they would love to help and it would be an excuse to do something fun together like go shopping at the mall. For a fun alternative, try “shopping” in an older sibling closet- with permission of course- for some fun fashion finds. I’m sure your friends will be flattered by you asking them for advice. It shows them that you love their style and value their advice. Also, be sure to check out the Girl World section on the Girl Talk website for lots of great fashion and beauty advice. I also post fashion and beauty updates on my blog, so be sure to check that out as well!


Dear Katie,

My parents won’t allow me to go on Myspace! It’s so unfair because I’m 13 and they STILL treat me like a little kid. My younger brother (who is two years younger) has been able to do way more than I did when I was his age! I want to gain my parents’ trust so that they start treating me like a 13 year old instead of a 7 year old. Could you please help me out?


Dear Thirteen,

Your parents have your best interests at heart. MySpace is a great social networking site but can also be very dangerous if you are not careful and properly informed. Try talking to your parents about their reasoning so that you can understand where they are coming from when they tell you no. Maybe you can explain to them why you want to be on MySpace and set up some guidelines that you’re both comfortable with. You’re at a stage in life where you’re probably going to want more privileges than your parents are comfortable giving you– that’s just part of being thirteen and growing up. It’s GREAT that you want to gain your parents’ trust and having a mature, open, and honest conversation with them is a major first step in helping them to see that you really are growing up. But here’s the thing: in order to gain your parents’ trust and let them know that you are responsible, you’re going to have to listen to them. Proposing a compromise shows maturity and demonstrates responsibility. In time, they will recognize your maturity and will be more likely to grant you more privileges in the future.


Dear Katie,
How does drinking alcohol damage the reproductive system?
Thank you,



Dear Emma,

You’re right in assuming that alcohol damages the reproductive system. Even now, before you’re thinking about having children, your reproductive system can be damaged by alcohol. Here are just some of the reproductive problems that alcohol can cause: menstrual pain, heavy period flow and irregular or absent periods. In addition, alcohol can harm your sexual functioning, prevent or harm pregnancies, and severely harm an unborn baby. For more information on how alcohol damages the body, visit the Girl Talk website and click on “The Facts” tab.


Take care girls,


Hey Everyone!

Today is National Wear Red Day! People across the globe are wearing red today to support the fight against heart disease among women. It’s a simple way to raise awareness of heart disease and stroke. National Wear Red Day has its own dress code and allows you to wear the red apparel of your choice. Go in your closet and get a red blouse, red headband, red purse, red broche, and red dress or wear that daring red lipstick! The options are endless.

Heart disease is the number one killer for both men and women in America. Heart disease can begin early, even in the teen years. Many risk factors for heart disease we can not change, such as our age, race, gender, or family history. But other risk factors are manageable such as our cholesterol level, cutting out drugs and alcohol and maintaining a healthy weight. Visit The Heart Truth ( website for more information on heart disease.

Spreading the message and wearing red will help to increase awareness and support the fight for healthy living. It’s important to keep our bodies healthy inside and out. A good way to is to monitor what goes in our bodies. Girl Talk educates teenage girls about the dangers of underage drinking and the specific risks facing teenage girls. Be sure to check out the Girl Talk website for tips on living a healthy and active lifestyle.

That’s all for now,

Posted on: January 30, 2008

Hi Everyone!

This month’s Lifestyle article on focuses on building a positive body image. The article is from our friends at Go Girl World and is written by Cheryl Haworth, a weightlifting Olympic bronze medalists and seven time national champion. Haworth writes about loving yourself for who you are, finding other outlets such as sports to make you happy, and tips you can use to boost your body image. Growing up overweight, she was able to overcome the name callers by surrounding herself with positive friends who had common interests.

Unfortunately many teens, especially girls, have a tendency to judge themselves based on unrealistic media images of the ideal body. When you add underage drinking into the mix, alcohol can be even more dangerous if you have body image or weight concerns. Alcohol actually has more calories per gram than carbs (also known as sugars and starches), so drinking alcohol can lead to weight gain. Alcohol also makes you hungry and reduces inhibitions; so, people tend to eat more when they drink. And, don’t try to starve yourself to stay thin: Young girls who don’t eat properly or take in enough calories are at increased risk of intoxication, alcohol poisoning, and even death.

For more information about why a healthy body image is important for your self esteem, check out this article on And here’s another great article from about how your body image is better than a diet.

Visit to read this month Lifestyle article and more!

That’s all for now,


It’s not fair, but it’s a fact: Alcohol’s harmful effects hit girls harder than guys. Girls who drink can suffer memory problems, brain damage, and even reduced brain size.

Virtual Girl logo

Here’s the thing: Pound for pound, a girl’s body has less water than a guy’s does. Water helps dilute alcohol and the toxins it leaves behind in your body. So, even after your body has processed most of the alcohol you drink, there’s still a higher concentration of alcohol and toxins flowing through your blood stream. That means there are also more toxins reaching your brain and other major organs, including the heart, liver, pancreas, and kidneys.

Visit for more information on the choices and consequences of underage drinking.

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Hey Everybody,

I have received a lot of questions from girls just like you though . I am thrilled to be able to help you out by answering your questions about school, friends, parents, guys — whatever is on your mind!! Each month, I look through each and every one of your questions and i’ll answer a few of them here on my blog and more on the Girl Talk website. I hope you’ll continue to check back to read my blog.

Remember, I can’t answer every question submitted because I am only one person and I get so many questions each month. However, I will try to pick questions on topics that come up a lot so that when I answer, I’ll be answering more than one girl’s question.

Now, on to your questions!

  • Dear Katie,

I’ve started to have feelings for my best friend that’s a boy. Someone I told says he could possibly like me, but when we talk it’s like he’s bored and I don’t think he’d ever feel the same way. What can I do? I’ve not felt like this about someone for ages. Please help!!!


Dear Confused

Feelings for boys can definitely be confusing. If he’s your best friend that’s a boy, I’m sure that he has at least friendly feelings towards you – and that’s the first step! If you really like him then I’d say go for it! Take the first step and ask him out!


  • Dear Katie,

My boyfriend wants me to let him do things to me. Should I let him if I don’t want him to? Please help me. What should I do?????


Dear Unsure,

If you don’t want him to do something, you definitely should NOT let him. Do not let him do anything that you are uncomfortable with, not ready for, or unsure about. If he really cares about you then he will understand. Otherwise, he’s not worth it!


  • Dear Katie,

I made a comment recently and it really offended my friends. Now they’re not talking to me. Do I apologize or do I let everything settle by itself?


Dear Lost,

I would definitely apologize. Tell your friends that you realize you’ve offended them and you’re sorry. Owning up to something you said may be hard, but your friends will appreciate it in the end.


  • Dear Katie,

Are periods scary?


Dear Red,

I know that anticipating something new and significant can sometimes be scary. But getting periods are not scary! In fact, I look at them as something special – they are a sign of womanhood! Don’t be afraid – all women get them and we all support each other. If you’re still worried about them, ask your mom, an older friend, a trusted adult or your school nurse. Also, check out this cool site all about periods: In addition to information, you can even get a free period starter kit! Knowledge is truly a powerful thing. And be sure that when it comes you celebrate it instead of worrying!


  • Dear Katie,

I am 19 years old and I constantly fight with my mom. I realize it isn’t a healthy relationship at all but I don’t know how to ignore it. How can I make one day around here peaceful? Thanks.


Dear Whitney,

I’m sorry to hear about your fights. It’s great that you realize that it’s not healthy to fight all the time and that you want to do something about it. Ignoring it is definitely not the answer. Try talking to your mom while things are okay and you’re not fighting. And why not make it a fun outing in the process? Ask her to go to out to dinner with you or grab an ice cream. Having a conversation with your mom is important. Tell her that you don’t like fighting with her and want to make an effort to stop it. Chances are your mom is struggling too. She probably feels the same way and wants to make an effort to stop it too! Best of luck.


  • Dear Katie,

My best friend thinks that when she grows up she will drink to impress this guy. I told her once that it was a bad idea, but she just told me to get out of her life. What should I do?


Dear Michelle,

You’re doing the right thing by discouraging her. Underage drinking is against the law. Period. The law states you must be 21 to consume alcohol. I hate to be preachy, but it is what it is. Tell her that if the guy is worth it, he should like her for who she is and she shouldn’t even need to impress him! Not to mention, drinking is not a way to impress people. In fact, drinking tends to have the opposite affect.. After all, what is attractive about damaging your health and making stupid decisions by drinking? Nothing.


That’s all for this month. Be sure to check out the Ask Katie page on for more answers to your questions, and to submit your own for next month!

Take care, girls!

Hey Everybody,

Great news! We just received word that our New Mexico event for Girl Talk was a success! Thirty girls from Albuquerque High School attended our event yesterday morning with Attorney General Gary King to discuss the dangerous toll that underage drinking can take not only on their health but also on their grades and reputations. Attorney General King encouraged the girls to have conversations with their moms and peers about the negative effects and dangers of underage drinking. The event was covered in the press by The Tribune, The Journal, NBC, ABC, CBS, FOX and KUNM (University TV), so if you live in the area, keep an eye out!

The event in New Mexico is just one more way Girl Talk seeks to inform teen girls about the choices and consequences of underage drinking as well as the specific risks facing teenage girls.

Here are some pictures that were taken at the event:


For more information about Girl Talk, visit

That’s all for now,

Hey Everyone

I hope you had a great weekend! As I am sure many of you have already noticed, we’ve made some changes to the Girl Talk blog. It’s a little different now.

The Girl Talk blog is now on Word Press has more feedback features that will help Girl Talk see which blog post you like and which ones you hate. We hope to see you use this feedback to post more blog entries on things you care about. But don’t worry, we didn’t change too much. You can still access the blog through my MySpace profile and all of the previous entries are still there, including our most recent idea of the week.

Check out the new blog and let me know what you think. Feel free to comment, we encourage your feedback. Be sure to catch up on our previous blogs and stay tuned for our up and coming entries to hear about events and new ideas of the week.

That’s all for now,

Hey Everybody!

Be sure to check out the new Celebrity Spotlight – a Q&A with Heather Mitts – on the Girl Talk website here. The Celebrity Spotlight brings you a closer look into the lives of your women role models. For those of you who don’t know, Heather is an amazing professional women’s soccer player and also a big supporter of Girl Talk! One of her many career highlights includes being part of the gold medal-winning U.S. Olympic soccer team in 2004! To stress importance of living an active and healthy Lifestyle, Heather invited Girl Talk to her soccer camp this past summer to discuss the choices and consequences of underage drinking.

Here are some picture from that event:

You can view the Q&A with Heather by clicking here:

That’s all for now,

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What is Girl Talk?

Girl Talk informs teen girls about the choices and consequences of underage drinking. Girl Talk’s website,, is a fun place for all things GIRL and encourages girls to live healthy and active lifestyles by providing them with the resources to do so.

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You may have noticed that is now being redirected here, to our Girl Talk blog. We are currently doing a bit of maintenance on the site but it'll be back up soon! So just take note that some of the links you click here on our blog may redirect you back here instead of to until it is re-vamped!

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